These are a collection of my personal writings,thoughts and views of my personal beliefs.
The Right to choose death
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I think death should be a choice. Life should not be something forced upon you because it is the natural way of things. Now yes I believe that those who are unhealthy should definitely be given that choice first. But let's say you had a full life and you no longer wish to live and you don't want to grow weak and sick. Don't you think that you have the right to choose then also? When are you considered to old? Or are you a burden to your family? Or perhaps you just think you've had a full life?Well those are some things to consider some of you may think is she thinking of assisted suicide the answer is no.I am quite happy in my life and not ready to leave this existence yet but this topic is something I do have some passion about and I think that the government should have no right to tell us no right when we can or cannot end our lives. And I believe that Suicide or taking ones life is a Christian concept .And is taking your own life going to lead to up to you in Hell or Limbo whatever. But we all know that isn't true that is Christian fantasy I don't believe that just isn't the case here.Now the only circumstances where I don't believe a person should be able to should be able to end their life is if they were mentally incapable of making decisions for themselves but if they were at sometime of sound mind and made a living will giving their family this right I see nothing wrong in that. As for those who are clearly not mature such as children to make choice I think there should be an age restriction in place till the minor is ready to make such a big decision or if the youth is clearly dying and is suffering I believe then the family should then intervene in this choice. But my heart mainly goes out there for those that are suffering and dieing and why do people allow this to happen?Why do people have to sneak around or take their lives in such manners that are beneath them when there are doctors like Jack Kevorkian andPhilip Nitschke that have tried to help people and have been treated like criminals and all they wanted to do is help those in need. Please remember these are just my personal views on death and not to be meant to be taken personally.But back to the topic here I believe if you are old and you are sick or even healthy you should have the right to choose when it is right for you to end your life. I don't think of it as selfish choice think of it this way.Say you have children and they are not well of in the future but you are old and sick but you cannot afford to be put in a nursing home is that fair to them? That is just an example. I mean who really wants to be a burden to their family? Also say you are in good health now but do you want to suffer later? I know these are just what if questions but think about it who wants to live to be 100? I know I don't! And the way things are going today people are living longer and longer. And our bodies are but shells here before we move on to the InfernalKingdom. So I will ask everyone this, what your thoughts and views on this topic? Do you think the U.S. should allow assisted suicide? Because I for one do because I believe in free will and I am sure you do too. Send your thoughts and view I would like to hear them.
While I think you should have a right to die, I know that if i were terminally ill, or in a vegatative state, or in extreme pain that couldn't be controled w/ meds, i would certainly want someone to give me that option. However, the problem I have with legalizing assisted suicide is the fear that it's a pit stop to get to euthenasia. I think everyone should have the right to decide when their life should end, but would have a real problem with the gov't or a hospital or doctors deciding that someone's life should end, because it wasn't worth the money to treat them. Who is anyone to say whose life is more important.
Finding the inner creature that is me. I feel as if I have been a sleep for eons with memories of my former life or rather lives I had lived. Trickling though like small drops of water containing bits of experiences I had so long ago. Going through an awaking to my life long past my very essence of who I truly am. I know there is much knowledge I must recall and my hopes are that I gain back all that I am before I go into my next stage of being. Feelings of love,hate,lust flooding back into me. My only complaint is the shell I have been given falling apart from the seams. Wanting to be the strong fierce priestess I was so very long ago. My most reoccurring memories are of the pyramids of Egypt as the sunsets behinds them. Such a beautiful site even today as they stand aged from sands of time. They've not lost a single bit the rays of gold and skies of red and orange making these great pyramids appear obsidian in color. It is no wonder this memory replays in mind over and over...
Dying from the inside out, a stillness set in stone trapped within my own mind. This endless void where my heart should be, replaced by the heaviness of pain and disappointment. The feeling of disappointment hurts nearly as bad as betrayal. Told to look forward but always looking back. Eyes wide open wishing they were shut. Never dreams all that remains are worries and despair. Dreams are for the young and the rest is left to me is empty and cold. Short lived happiness is all I’ve ever known. It seems I should wish for depression since there is no shortage of that. Perhaps it is too much to hope for fulfillment in ones existence these days. Oh void less despair will I ever be free from your grasp? Will this heaviness in my heart ever leave will my tears be of happiness? Will the truth ever reveal it’s self to me? Trusting thy missing heart will to return to me.
This are some of the thoughts and feelings of one very disappointed Priestess. I have given so much of my time to those who I thought wanted a place to share their views and knowledge. But apparently I have a few that do care on a site of nearly 900 hundred members. I feel like I shouldn't care either hell I only wasted two and half years of my life for those who don't give a shit. Now I know there are some dedicated Pagans and Satanists on the site. But apparently because of my association to a certain organization I and my family are being seen as a cult and that couldn't furthest from the truth. This isn't the first time I had felt like I should shut my site down. But I know there is a dedicated few who would be saddened by me throwing in the towel so to speak. My duty to Satan comes first and foremost and my love for my children and husband should be my only focus. But I have always felt like I care a bit to much and end up in putting myself second. I...
While I think you should have a right to die, I know that if i were terminally ill, or in a vegatative state, or in extreme pain that couldn't be controled w/ meds, i would certainly want someone to give me that option. However, the problem I have with legalizing assisted suicide is the fear that it's a pit stop to get to euthenasia. I think everyone should have the right to decide when their life should end, but would have a real problem with the gov't or a hospital or doctors deciding that someone's life should end, because it wasn't worth the money to treat them. Who is anyone to say whose life is more important.