Intolerance in one's own family

I for years never felt accepted within my own family. A felt as if I were cast out like a Black Sheep if you will. Looked at as a freak or embarrassment. And for most of my life I accepted this. I grew up had children and even married. But it was still some who gave me strange stares and just ignored my presence. But then I moved and remarried and came out with my beliefs as a Satanist. And some of my family still would accept me on their Myspace profile or Facebook. But there was one relative that just got under my skin acting as if I didn't exist. So I had to know really had to know if it was what I thought it was. And it in fact was true she had a problem with my beliefs. So out of anger and sadness. I was compelled to set her straight. That I don't kill animals or offer up babies to Satan. I in fact love children and have two of my own. And love animals as well and own a cat that I love as one of my own children. I also said I do not push my beliefs on any one. I told her had I been for example a Buddhist or any other religion that I am sure that she would have no problem with me. But what she said in her previous message was that she didn't want anything Satanic on her profile. "meaning me". So in my most recent message to her was this on Facebook one must be your friend to see my profile and everyone on her profile was my family that had already accepted me. So it made no difference but now looking back on it now. I believe she may think I would influence her daughter to become a Satanist. But unlike Christians we do not force our children to follow our path. It must be of their own choosing. My own children are not Satanists but Agnostics. But if ever one of them ever became a Christian or of any other religion I would still love them. That is why I don't think love is unconditional within some families.


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