My Beltane Experience 2010

My first day back home as I would like see it as was great. To arrive to my find my father building the sacred fire and then soon after went to check into my hotel. As soon I dropped my belongings off. I returned to find more of my brothers and sister in Satan. Some were new faces and of course the faces I have come to love as family.
Well I had grabbed some food from within and talked with my sisters and later saw that more of my family had arrived and others pitching their tent up for the weeks celebration for Beltane. I wish I could camp out I love the outdoors and the moon was so beautiful to gaze upon. But it truly is a joy to my soul to be able to sit with my family around a fire with those hearts so filled with dedication for Satan.
I look forward to seeing what tomorrow will bring.
Today is another day and I woke earlier than expected and I am very ecstatic to see what the day will bring. I wish that some of my other sisters and brothers could have come but life goes on and if you don’t have the time off well what can you do but wait till you can come. Well on the days that followed learned a great many things such as our history, and the strong women that saved the land that belong to them and their people. Gems and their many uses and of course the importance of satanic unity and the use of vocalization of one’s voice to raise power.
I do so love being with my family and the power that they bring in this great brotherhood. I do wish that more of our family could have made it to this celebration of Beltane, family and Satanic Unity! I often think to myself how it would be in one large family commune that shares the belief in Satan and in his demons. But I will say this I know more and more of my brethren will come forth from the shadows in the many days to come.
As this age of falsehood is at its end we as witches will no longer hide our selves due to persecution of those who are weak minded. I had often wondered why it was I am here why is it that I must endure all that I had. I now know it’s to see all those of the left hand path come forward with great strength with no fear in our hearts. When I see my father speak I can see the passion that he holds in his heart for Satan and those of the left hand path community.


  1. It was a wonderful, magickally delicious time. It has taught me so much.


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