
Showing posts from July, 2010

The blood is the life and thy life is eternal.

Blood upon the lips of my lover takes me to places I’ve long forgotten… Thy energy fills my mouth, my mind and my body. Taken within the arms of my lover, He is the spider ready to eat its prey. I am the prey who will not get away and nor do I desire too. My love gave me the blood of life! I give you a part of me that is sweeter than any rare wine. Partake of my essence as this is my gift to you. Your life’s blood fulfills me as my blood fulfills you. The blood is the life and thy life is eternal. I long for the sweet taste of your blood smeared lips upon me over and over again. Bloods kiss upon me dripping from thy mouth coursing down my body. Oh such sweet delights I see within your eyes. Drowning within pools I see within your eyes… I am forever yours thy love eternal.